Friday, February 18, 2005

The only landmark I knew of from Malaysia was the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur. And one of the main reasons I knew of them was because of the movie "Entrapment" with Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones. You know, when it's the Millenium, and they swing from the string of lights off the bridge. Yup, I saw that in real life! And there was a massive luxury shopping mall attached to the bottom, which was a nice air conditioned break. The Petronas Towers were supposed to be the tallest in the world, but I believe that Taipei 101 has officially surpassed them. I see Taipei 101 every day, so I wasn't very impressed by the height of these, but the architectural design, an eight sided star from Islamic art, was really quite stunning, and I think won over the "stacked chinese take-out boxes" design of Taipei 101. Posted by Hello


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